
At this point, I don’t really know what to expect. Is this ever going to end? I have already lost an implant twice: one year apart, one per side, both a month out from exchange surgery, but for different reasons. I am 3.5 weeks post-op and worried.

michaelscottnoooI’m paranoid at this point, so I check things over a couple of times per day. Two weeks after my exchange surgery, I noticed a new spot on my right breast, the one we just exchanged. Part of it was hidden underneath the hypafix tape that was still hanging on, so I removed that to investigate what was going on underneath it. It was below (but not including) my incision, about an inch in diameter, and red. #FML #WTF #SRSLY. Please, not again! That familiar feeling of dread washed over me. I sent photos to my plastic surgeon looking for some feedback and reassurance. The response began with:

“I doubt this is anything serious, but with you, one never knows. …”

We emailed a bit more and a Bacrtim (antibiotic) prescription was called in to my pharmacy. Fast forward a week: the spot is still there! Some days it is darker and wider than others and I’ve been keeping my PS updated by email. I am now seeing a hint of blue, which is not a good sign. This is really deflating, but I am really trying to keep my shit together and take it one day at a time. This sums things up nicely:

“Your breasts do not make sense. I remain hopeful and a little concerned. …”

I completely agree: this does not make sense! It popped up 2 weeks after surgery, I have not been using any products on the skin, I am not wearing bras or tight clothing, there are no other areas that look like this. Is it an infection? I’m back on Bactrim for over a week, why isn’t it going away? Do we need to switch to something else? Or do I just sit and wait? I go in to see the PS on Monday.

On top of that, I discovered a lump in the same breast at about 11 o’clock. We are both puzzled by it and can’t explain what it is. It was not there before surgery and Dr. M didn’t note any lumps while he was in there during surgery. Maybe it’s another stitch knot, not yet dissolved (one of these little assholes cost me an implant last time). He suggested that it may be a surgical staple, but not 100% sure if those were used; there’s nothing about them in my post-op report. My immediate concern is the suspicious red spot that won’t go away. To be continued …

11 thoughts on “Srsly?

  1. Inga

    Oh Bah, I am so sorry you are going through this. Please feel free to email or text me if you need to bitch to someone who can relate. My contact info is on my blog.

    1. nope2BC Post author

      Thank you, Inga. I appreciate your kind words and the offer.
      (I’m jumping up and down on the inside .. a cancer and mastectomy world ICON just reached out to me! Haha :D)

  2. helensamia

    Sending you some very positive thoughts and a huge hug… This is really not happening again…. This has ti go right for you after all you have been through xxxxxxxxxxx

  3. thesmallc

    I am sorry you have been dealing with this mess!! I hope you get some answers soon so you have peace of mind. I had a red spot on my (bad) boob that wouldn’t go away for a while. I finally decided to do a biopsy of it this summer. It was a broken vessel. Try not to panic as our bodies have different responsive mechanisms to different things, such as surgery.

    Good luck with everything. xoxo


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