Tag Archives: Slouch

Back to work

So it has been over six weeks since my prophylactic mastectomy and I feel great. My recovery has gone relatively smoothly and I am enjoying the return of full range of motion, exercising, lifting the kitties, scratching the middle of my back, vacuuming (maybe “enjoying” is a bit too strong of a word for this one), and I’m finally back to work.

slouchingI have a desk job, so it isn’t very physically demanding, but I did feel completely pooped after my second day back. Sitting in one spot for most of eight hours is much different than lounging on the couch and it caught up with me. I find that the tightness across my chest, while not painful, is uncomfortable, so my shoulders droop to relieve the pressure and I slouch. Although I’m more comfortable that way, it makes my whole body ache at the end of the day. It’s just awkward. I must admit that I was getting kind of bored at home, though, so the return to work was good for me. I missed the face-to-face interaction with my friends and co-workers.

heartsOn the healing end of things: I still have a scab on lefty (about the size of a dime). Expander fills have been delayed until all is well and the scab falls off on its own. My next appointment with the plastic surgeon is scheduled for March 29th, so I am hoping healing will be complete by then and we can begin the expansion process.

Not much else going on in post-mastectomy land.