Wonder Woman

Wonder Women

The first item on my list of Resources is: Find a SUPPORT GROUP. I think this is critical to keeping sane, among many other things. I have had the opportunity to participate in all three kinds – traditional, online, and communication with former patients.

A huge thank you to all of the Wonder Women out there that take time to offer their stories, experiences, photos, and support. It is just absolutely invaluable!!!

As I prepare for my mastectomy in January, I spend a lot of time thinking about it all. It has completely consumed me and can be overwhelming at times. If I have a question or just want to vent or want to see some pictures, I just pop on FaceBook or into the FORCE message board and do it. It’s so easy and convenient. I don’t feel like I’m bugging someone when I call them just as they’re putting their kids to bed.

The ladies I came across truly are my heroes! I mean it. In one way or another, they have all been touched by breast cancer. Whether they are like me, considering (or have already gone through) a prophylactic mastectomy, have watched a loved one deal with the disease, or those that have “been there, done that.”  Unless you have had the unfortunate chance to be in any of those shoes, you can’t fully understand how the experience affects every single facet of your life. It is not PINK and fluffy … it is completely devastating. Yet, these women continue to fight and move forward with a positive approach and unwavering determination. Thank you Wonder Women! Keep strong.

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